May 12th is International Nurses Day

Белые халаты, светлые сердца.В деле медицинском нет важней спеца:И больным нужны вы, и важны врачам!С праздником, медсестры! Счастья в жизни вам! Поздравление медицинских сестер КГП “Поликлиника №2 г.Темиртау” Поздравление коллектива медицинских сестер КГП «Поликлиника №4 г.Темиртау»

Regional distance Olympiad in chemistry

On November 28, 2023, as part of the work of the regional methodological association of teachers of chemistry and biology, with the coordination of the Educational and Methodological Center for Education Development of the Karaganda Region, a regional distance Olympiad Read more

Business game “Corruption is…”.

On September 29, 2023, a meeting of students with representatives of the Anti-Corruption Service was held at the Temirtau Higher Medical College.The speaker of the meeting, Tokatov Ruslan Altayuly, held a business game “Corruption is…”.Accessible and informative explanations from the Read more

Fire safety drills

05/19/2023. the college conducted fire safety drills. They were attended by 289 students and 23 college staff.The training evacuation was carried out promptly. Students and staff demonstrated coherence in actions and knowledge of the emergency response algorithm.